Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Surprise Gift

As I don't live "on-the-block," for those unfamiliar with Seabury-Western, I don't live at the seminary, but rather commute daily from my home in the far reaches of suburbia, I don't normally receive outside mail at school. Normally, my mailbox at school contains notices that I am to be a cantor on thus-and-such date or am scheduled to officiate at evensong. Last week, I was suprised to find a small parcel in my mailbox. Inside was a refrigerator magnet featuring St. Drogo, Patron of Coffee.(my fame as a coffe addict has apprently grown beyond the school) This one little gift lightened a very rough week and made me smile. The precious gift now has a place on honor in my study carrell in the library at school. Thanks so much to my wonderful friends, John & Raisin, for providing a ray of sunshine in a dreary week. I miss you both very much and think of you often. I pray that all is going well for you both. (and Maggie too! Much prayer for a healthy puppy!)

1 comment:

Raisin said...

You're welcome. Glad to see that you're posting again.