Thursday, July 10, 2008

Skunk Incident, Part Three - The Saga Continues

When the exterminator arrived yesterday and set out a trap for the skunk, we asked him many questions about how we might get the skunk to leave the window well without having to resort to carnage. He gave us some ideas which we tried. We used tuna fish and cat food to try to entice the skunk up the tree branch and out of his confinement. What we ended up with though, was not a rescued skunk, but a skunk which began to feel quite pampered. Last night we left with the hope that, instead of entering the trap, he would figure out how to get out of his confinement. To quote yesterday's post, "skunks isn't the brightest of God's critters." This morning he was in the trap. Mr. Exterminator arrived silently and quickly dispatched the skunk before we had any chance to bemoan the event. All that was left was to mourn the empty window well. Well, at least it was a painless death by gas as opposed to being crushed by a Hummer's radial! Poor Mr. Skunk. RIP.


Jennifer said...

There was a raccoon living in the attic above my church housing when I moved in. They put out traps, and I battened down the hatches.

It took two weeks to catch him in the trap. Meanwhile, he started trying to dig through the ceiling around the air vents. Like the one over my bed. I didn't get much sleep, and by then end all my sympathy and humane instincts had departed me.

Here, too, they have to be humanely euthanized when trapped. I wanted to feel sorry, but I couldn't.

(PS, we met at preaching camp, and I was in your group -- and I actually blog over here)

The Archer of the Forest said...

I had an aquaintance of mine when I was younger who had a de-scented pet skunk. I asked him why, and he told me, "You ever see any Jehovah's Witnesses or door to door salesmen around here?"