Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good Friday Sermon

Well, as I sit here typing it is a lovely spring day in Northern Illinois - it is snowing. We are supposed to get 1-3 inches today and tonight. Lovely, just lovely. Where is Spring??
My Good Friday sermon went well, all things considered. I had a high fever and was high on lots of OTC cold and flu medications, but other than that I was fine. As I stood up in the pulpit and began to preach my brain disconnected from what I was doing and began looking around the nave. Since I had been too sick to attend Maundy Thursday service, I had not seen the altar stripped. I began to have this monologue in my head.
"Wow, the place looks really different all bare like this. Look at all the people here for Good Friday. Nice turnout. Wow! That one lady has on quite a wild hat. Doesn't she know it's not Easter yet! Hmmmm, it sure is quiet in here. Shouldn't someone be talking? And why is everyone staring at me?"
When I watched the DVD of the service, the pause in my sermon isn't really very long and just seems like a "dramatic pause" for effect. Whew! Overall, my sermon went very well. I'm just sad that I was so sick that I barely remember the service. I am really disappointed that I didn't get to attend the whole triduum.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Holy Week

Of course, Holy Week has started (the busiest time of the years), I am scheduled to preach on Good Friday, and I have come down with the flu. I have absolutely no time to waste being sick and this is the week that it hits. It couldn't wait until Easter week when I am on Spring Break and have time to just lie around feeling like death on a cracker. Oh no! It had to jump on me this week. My Good Friday sermon ought to be interesting, being delivered by someone so high on over the counter flu medications that he can hardly stand up. Pray for me!

It's been months

Well, it has been months since I last posted. Life has been incredibly busy with GOEs, J-Term, and Spring Semester. All this, and trying to find a job also. I find it hard to believe that my seminary days are almost over. I have less than two months until graduation! I often spent some of my first two years wishing that the days would fly by a little faster, but now I wish everything would slow down a little so that I can catch my breath. I will be losing all my friends here at Seabury to places around the nation. If I didn't have so much to do I would spend these last few weeks really enjoying our remaining time together.