Monday, October 27, 2008


I was sorting through some stuff in my calendar and I found a fortune cookie fortune that I had saved, but forgotten. We had gone out for Chinese shortly after my ordination to the Transitional Diaconate. My fortune read:
"You will be unusually successful in an entertainment career."

Monday, October 13, 2008

Confused about technology and youth

So, I have been encouraged by all (many of whom I would assume are "in-the-know") to create electronic ways to reach out to the youth. So I did. I have a blog and am familiar with blogging, so I created a youth blog for the church. I am on Facebook and am familiar with it, so I created a Facebook group for the youth group. I put links on our parish website so that youth and parents could reach these sites. I sent out emails to them with links so that they could reach the sites. I even set up parent specific areas on these sites, so that parents could remain in touch with what was going on. And then.........I found out that youth don't even use email. They consider email slow (and old) technology. They don't blog anymore ("so last year"). Facebook is still new and they use it, but I can't get them to join the group that I set up. AAARRRGGGHHH! I guess I go back to posting things on a bulletin board and then calling them on a telephone (oh my, how last century!) :-)