Monday, November 19, 2007

A Preaching First

Well, it was bound to happen eventually, and now it has. At my field ed parish, I preach weekly on Saturday mornings as well as about every fifth week on Sunday. I preached two weeks ago on a Sunday (Nov. 11th) and the Gospel reading was on Luke's story of the wife and the seven brothers. (what happens at the last day? To whom is she then married?) Well, the Gospel reading for this coming Saturday, November 24th, is the very same Gospel. I can't believe that I have the same reading so close together. Well, I guess it is time to take a NEW look at this chapter and verse. (or preach on the Epistle this time)


Raisin said...

On Saturday mornings, eh? Yikes. Sounds like you don't get a day off ever, buddy!

The Archer of the Forest said...

I've been saying prayers daily during Evening Prayer for all you folks about to embark on the GOEs. Good luck, and don't sweat it.