Tuesday, February 13, 2007

To caff or not to caff, that is a question

I have a friend, who shall remain nameless to protect her identity so I shall just refer to her as "dried fruit," who gives me a hard time about my intake of coffee. Now, just to be clear, I do drink more coffee than most, but it is decaf. (or at least most of it is) Drinking decaf coffee (no sugar or cream) is basically drinking brown, coffee flavored water. The supposed "bad" part (and that is up for some debate as to whether the ill effects of a legal stimulant outweigh the benefits of staying awake in class) is not present in decaf coffee. All there is is flavor. I have also read recently that there is a study from a major teaching hospital that links increased coffee drinking with lower cholesterol levels. So basically, decaf coffee is health food! Party on!
Now, if I can just remember to modify my basic order at Starbucks, a grande soy three pump mocha with whip, to include "decaf." Oh, the trials of my life! :-)
Caff on!

1 comment:

Raisin said...

We only kid those of whom we are very fond, you know.