Friday, April 18, 2008

I have a job!!

That's right! I have a job! I have accepted a call to be Associate Rector of St. James the Less in Northfield, IL. I actually start on May 18th (yes, that is two days after graduation!)I am really excited. This is a wonderful parish and will present a great opportunity for learning and growth. The rector is fantastic and we get along quite well. Yeah! Amen! Hallelujah!!


Emily Williams said...

Congratulations, Court! Yahoo and Alleluia and All that jazz! I'm so happy for you.

Raisin said...

Yay, Court! Oh, I'm so pleased to hear this news. My field ed seminar met there a time or two, so I've seen the place. Also, the director of Christian Formation at my Iowa City church grew up at St. James the Less. Congratulations and hugs.

Rev. Jane Austen said...

Court, this is fantastic! I know this is a huge joy for you and your family. Do you need to relocate? I am so pleased for you.

Anonymous said...

Comment as promised: (chuck on the shoulder) good job, Court.

The Archer of the Forest said...

Good for you, Court! I was hoping you would not have a major harangue with finding a job.